Luke 2:34-35 (New International Version)
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against,so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too."
These are prophetic words that are being fulfilled today.Simeon was a godly man who knew about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah.He had prayed that God would not decide to take him away through death before he meets His Savior face to face.God granted Simeon his desire and Jesus Christ our Lord was in Simeon's arms as a baby,in human form.
Simeon prophesied to the the mother of Jesus our Lord that, "He will be a sign that will spoken against..".He even said: Mary, as the mother, will also at one point speak against Him.That will be the time that Jesus Christ the Son of God will pierce her heart as the Word of God,the Sword of the Spirit and change her.She will experience the power of the Word of God in her life too.God had made His Son a 'sign' to be spoken against.Speaking against the Lord Jesus Christ is like 'kicking against pricks'.
Saul who became Paul in Acts chapter 9,through his meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus also 'kicked against the pricks' by persecuting the believers of Christ.When someone speaks against Christ,the thoughts of his/her heart will be revealed.You will be able to see the true condition of the heart,whether,it is good or evil? the Lord Jesus can change any evil heart,like Paul's convertion.
God will judge us according to how we speak of Jesus Christ when He is revealed to us.The problem is He will appear to us as someone who is the least of Him.That will be the test of our hearts,to see if we genuinely believe in Him.If our heart is proud,it will block us from coming to the Lord because He will appear very humbly to us.
Many among God's own people will fall because they could not recognize who is appearing before them. Christ our Lord will appear to us as someone least like him,but its Him. We will miss Him for eternity if we did not recognize Him then,a high price to pay for pride and arrogance. Do not 'kick against the pricks' if you don't recognize its He who is appearing before you.Be careful not to speak against Him.