Copyright © 2006 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Many of the church routines we have known are now vestigial. From the present hour forward fundamental changes will occur—sometimes being forced on us by circumstances. However, no fundamental Christian doctrine will be altered in any manner. The foundation of the blood, the Spirit, and the resurrection has been permanently established.
The painful travail of our forefathers has brought us to the present momentous hour. Many traditions have accumulated that are unscriptural and will vanish from the thinking of succeeding generations. The base camps were constructed by the faithful efforts of those who have gone before. Now the summit is in sight.
We have the authority through the blood of the cross. We have the wisdom and power through the Holy Spirit. Now the task has been set before us. It is time to take the Kingdom.
There do come momentous changes in the Kingdom of God, such as the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai and the blood atonement made by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
We are in one such period of change right now.
"Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites." (Joshua 1:2—NIV)
The change signified by the death of Moses and the installation of Joshua as the leader of Israel was very great. One aspect of the change was the transition from personal survival to the invasion and occupation of the rest, the land of promise. The enemy no longer was Moses, Aaron, and the irritations of the Israelites because of life in the wilderness. The enemy was external: the warlike tribes of Canaan, people determined to protect their ancient homelands.
Today the Lord Jesus is taking off His Moses hat and putting on His Joshua helmet. We are not accustomed to the idea of war against an external enemy. In fact, our major effort today in some instances is that of resolving problems in our own families, turning the hearts of the parents to one another and to their children and the hearts of the children and young people to their parents.
It is difficult and sometimes impossible for believers of today to take up their cross and follow Jesus. Until their own personalities and relationships are healed they may have a problem bearing witness to the world of the soon coming of the Kingdom of God. They may not be ready to ride with Jesus in the attack of Armageddon.
The Lord Jesus will help with the healing as we turn to Him. We already have seen people helped who have had marital difficulties, women who were molested as children, conflicts with young people and children, and so forth. Such healing is necessary if we are to submit to the rigors of discipleship.
Perhaps the next generation or the generation after that will be healthy enough emotionally and spiritually to move forward in God to the extent God desires.
I wonder if the American people can see what is taking place before their eyes. In this morning's newspaper there is an account of children in school strafing their classmates resulting in the death of four children and a teacher who attempted to shield a child.
I wonder why the whole nation doesn't stop and have one massive town meeting on interactive television and make realistic plans to change some of the influential and formative messages that proceed from the entertainment industry, the media, and other sources of persuasion, even if it means doing away with some of our "rights." A society that clings to its rights at the expense of the safety of its children is not wise.
It isn't going to happen. Next week there will be something more heinous while the nation is involved in professional athletics. The parents of the four little girls who were shot will continue to stare in unbelief at the empty bedrooms and try to continue to exist. It's a great country until your child is murdered!
We are not repenting, so God is going to bring America to her knees in the near future.
The concept of an introduction, three points, a few well chosen anecdotes, and a brilliant conclusion coming from the pulpit must be looked at again. It is not doing the job. The minister must stir himself to seek God until the congregation is actually praying and seeking God with fiery intensity. The "service" as usually perceived may not be strong and demanding enough spiritually to enable the believers to cope with the spiritual darkness invading our nation.
The worship must be extraordinary, perhaps including pageantry, until the people are moved and involved. A few hymns, a choir number, a musical special, served "Moses." But this pattern does not meet the needs of "Joshua." It is vestigial.
How about next Sunday morning having the congregation march around the pews, led by young people with banners portraying the ramping Lion or the Rider on the white war stallion, accompanied only by a drumbeat. Keep marching until the people get the idea they are being prepared for war. Such behavior in church is much more effective and realistic in terms of the needs of society when children in school are shooting other children with high powered rifles.
Returning to the Scriptures.
If we are to be successful in moving forward with God there are some principles we must observe. Foremost among the guiding principles is that of very careful adherence to the written Word of God, the New Testament especially, and also the Old Testament as applicable.
We of the Pentecostal-Charismatic camp do not have an enviable record when it comes to adhering to the written Word of God. We are emotionally oriented to the Gospel. We are in clear danger of becoming the False Prophet, that is, believers who attempt to maintain their own soulish life and at the same time employ the gifts and powers of the Spirit of God.
We are not checking with the Scriptures as carefully as we should. We are not testing the spirits. We are not trying the apostles. If we are to survive and stand before Christ at His appearing we must return to the Scriptures and meditate on them day and night, not being so ready to follow the crowd in seeking spiritual thrills.