2 Corinthians 4:2
Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways;
we do not use
nor do we distort the word of God.
On the
contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's
in the sight
of God.
Deception is used to distort the word of God. Deception is used when one has not renounced secret and shameful ways which comes from the sinful nature of the Devil. The word of God can only be explained clearly when one has Christformation in the born again spirit. As a result of obedience to all that Christ had commanded, the sinful mind will be transformed into the mind of Christ when the divine nature of Christ is formed in him or her. Plain truth can only be explained from a transformed mind in Christ. Plain truth cannot be explained from a sinful mind that is hostile to God. A hostile mind cannot and will not choose to please God. To please God, we must have Christformation in us. We can never please God by obeying the sinful nature of the Devil.
We are placed on this earth to show forth God's power manifested through us and not our own power. God's power is demonstrated through God the Holy Spirit who dwells and fills our beings. God's power is shown when we are being made the temple of God's Spirit. In this temple of God's Spirit, Christformation occurs fully when we fully obey His leading and guidance towards it.
It is the greatest offence and sin in the sight of God to use the word of God with deception and distort it so as to cunningly promote and give licence to the practice of the acts of the sinful nature of the Devil in you instead. For intance, if you use the word of God to cunningly promote idolatry, witchcraft and sorcery practices of any kind, a lifestyle of greed for more money, covetousness for more wealth and possessions of this Earth, adultery, fornication, sexual immorality of all kinds, evil pride, glorification of human wisdom, the seeking of self-glory, selfishness, factions, dissenssions, impurity, hatred, jealousy, evil envy, selfish ambition, drunkenness, orgies, stealing, robbery, swindling, cheating, lying, violence and hooliganism, evil provocations, bullying or gangsterism, impartiality, an arrogant lifestyle, introducing evil authority, false religion and many more as the verses below show, you will be guilty before God for deception and distortion of the word of God.
You know you have acted against the conscience of men but yet insist on practicing it for some personal reasons and not based on the fear of God or reverence for Him. Those who live like this, no matter who you are or claim to be on this Earth, you will never inherit the kingdom of God. That would mean, you have qualified yourself for eternal damnation in the sight of God. You can cheat simple minded men and women and get away with it, but you cannot cheat God, you will learn this later. He will put you in the place where you deserve to be forever.
Galatians 5: 19-21
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality,
impurity and
idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy,
fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and
the like. I warn you,
as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of