The second character of Christ is sincerity and truth.
Corinthians 5:6-8 (New International Version)
"Your boasting is not good. Don't you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth".
If the first and second character of Christ does not get formed in you,then there will be no point in carrying on, in trying to gain Christ other ways. It will be a sheer waste of your time and effort,simply because you know where you will be heading without them if you are on the highway of destruction already.Sincerity and truth, if you don't have them from Christ, you will never get it from anywhere else.These are the riches which are only found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,who is truth Himself.You cannot buy sincerity and truth with all your money and wealth accumulated on this earth.
Christ our Lord and Master is The Door.We will have to enter through and ushered by Him. Any other way, you'll be attempting to enter by climbing in like a thief.Christ must be formed in you or else you will be like the wedding 'guest' who was not dressed-up for the occassion.The question the Lord will ask you would be:" how did you get in here?".Today,we see confusion everywhere.We will not know the difference between the 'weeds' and 'the wheat'.We were not supposed to separate them yet.As huma and still wrestling with the temptations of the world,we are commanded not to attempt separating them for fear that we may be influenced by our sinful nature that is not put to death yet.The Lord Jesus Christ will separate the sheeps from the goat at the right time and moment,on that day which is fast approaching now.
Just by looking around you will notice that the situation is getting worse by the day.People are getting more evil and vicious.This is the time we realize that no one in this world,absolutely no one,can help us with the situation we are in,except Christ Himself. People around us can only help us by destroying it further.When we say all,we mean,all the fortune tellers,the witchcraft practioners,the economists,politicians,psychologists,sociologist,human-rights activist,all professionals including all the religious gurus,the militaryexperts,educationalists,faith-healers,leaders,rulers,authorities,powers,
astrologers,positive-thinkers,bankers,financial-experts,,Nasa experts
and all general boasters cannot help you with the current situation.All spoken words were just empty boasting with no truth and sincerity in them.They do not mean what they say.They were just actors with no qualifications to act in Hollywood.
This is where God comes into the real picture.God is in full control of everything.
All authority and power belongs to His own beloved Son,The Lord Jesus Christ.He was bestowed by the Heavenly Father with such authority and power that every knee will bow before Him.In Him is true sincerity and truth.He is the only Truth that we can trust in for eternity.