The Lord Jesus Christ had to rebuke Peter who was one of His chosen disciples close to Him, with this firm rebuke; "Satan,get behind me!" Why did the Lord Jesus rebuke Peter so sharply? Peter was so close to the Lord Jesus Christ and yet he was filled with the things of men and not God in his mind. He was sharply rebuked by the Lord for that. This goes to show that no matter how close you claim to be to the Lord Jesus, you can still be deceived in your thinking if you are not filled with the mind of Christ. What was the mind of Christ there? The mind of Christ there was complete obedience to God the Father through suffering and death. Christ knew and prophesied that afterwards He will come alive again. That was God's will for Him. Peter did not see that and he only thought the way any natural man would think. He forgot that the will of God must be done, even if it means suffering.