There is no other name whereby we can be saved than through the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord. In Him is the fullness of God Jehovah,Elohim,Adonai,El-Shaddai and God the Father with all His names.
When we lift up the name of Jesus Christ his beloved Son, we have lifted up the name of our Father in Heaven. No man goes to the Father in heaven except through Jesus Christ his beloved Son.There is no point in disputing over which name we should use now to address God the Father in Heaven.When we address and lift up the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, we have lifted up the name of our Father in Heaven.
The Judaic religion has done much in the past to dispute over which name to use to address God the Father and it did not save them.Salvation is only through the name of Jesus Christ our Savior.
If you have failed to live as Christ as required you to, there is no point in fighting over which name to use to address God.Our lip-service will do us or God no good at all. He wants us to obey Christ whom He has sent and we must keep all His commandments. Just because you mention his name does not mean you will be saved. What you say and do must go together or else what you say will not have any meaning at all.You can fool men but you cannot fool God, His Christ or His Spirit.