‘Gold refined in fire’ is Christformation in you.
(Christformation in you Ministries)
Revelation 3:17-20 (New International Version)
You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
The verses above speak of Christformation in us.
“I counsel you to buy gold refined in the fire”, the Lord Jesus Christ himself says to His chosen ones. He says, come and buy it from me.
As it has been said before, salvation is free in Christ when you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is your Lord,Redeemer, Savior and King of your life. But, Christformation happens in you with a price to be paid by you. You have to buy Christformation in you by paying the price after you have agreed to count the cost of throwing off everything that hinders your faith in Christ and be ready to be refined like gold in the fire of testing and trials with much tribulation.
You may ask; when did I agree to that? Didn’t you say that you will ‘carry your cross daily and follow Him’ from the start of your walk with Him or did some stranger or some strange teaching convince you that you don’t have to suffer anymore and all will be ‘rosy’ for you from now on.
The Lord Jesus Christ paid every price to purchase you and me to redeem us from the grip of the evil right of the Devil over our life that started when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and choose Satan’s (The devil) ways above God’s. It is our turn now as children of the Last Adam (The Lord Jesus Christ) now to pay the price as firstfruits to buy Christformation in us no matter how difficult it is going to be.
That’s what ‘gold refined in fire’ means- Christformation in you through much refining transforming your soul and later your body. Remember, you have to put to death the sinful nature of the devil in you and that is going to be very difficult to do. Did anyone warn you, when you first believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, that you would have to give up that sinful nature of the devil in you?
You will go through much tribulation, suffering, rejection, pain, hurts, insults, ridiculing, humiliation, mocking, jeering, hatred, ostracizing, sometimes even physical harm and death for Christformation in you. This is what you call ‘gold refined in fire’. Are you willing to go through all these as long as the sinful nature of the devil is put to death in you, or, will you opt to run away from all these testing of your faith instead and seek to please your sinful nature which is not put to death yet?
The ‘rich’ that the Lord Jesus Christ said is different from the rich the world talks about twenty-four hours in a day.
You will become rich with Christformation in you
Psalm 19:7-11 (New International Version)
7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
and altogether righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the comb.
11 By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
The devil and the children of the devil will tell you that “you can be rich in this world” but here the Lord Jesus Christ is saying “you can be rich” with full Christformation in you. Choose you this day whose voice you would obey. Look at the rewards; one is eternal and the other temporal.
Are you being tempted of the devil to be rich in this world? It’s not surprising; The Lord Jesus Christ himself was tempted of the devil with this temptation “I will give you all these things only if you will bow down to me and serve me”, the devil tempted Christ with these words.
Christ our Lord said “no” to the devil. What about you? Don’t you know that the riches of this world will corrupt you even more? Satan will hold you in its grip with this greed in you. He will whisper to you that your satisfaction comes from this world and not in Christ. The truth is your true and eternal satisfaction comes from Christ and not this world. The perfect law was fulfilled only in Him; the righteous precepts of the Lord were revealed through him; the commandments of the Lord were obeyed only by Him; and He showed us what the fear of the Lord is. He is purer than gold that is tested in fire.
Just like the devil is calling out to you to be a slave of wickedness to him all your life with greed and more greed, while you’re ignorantly helping the devil destroy you and others around you so that they do not become saved in Christ and have successful Christformation in them.
This is what the devil wants. He wants to see us destroyed eternally without Christ being formed in us. So, he will seek to have control over your life. The yoke to hold you is the sinful nature that was sown in you through Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He seeks to hold you in its grip with that yoke and not let you go that easily. We must trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us to Christ for true deliverance from that destructive sinful nature. Christ will circumcise the sinful nature away from us through his Spirit in us.
It’s not going to be that easy unless you surrender fully to the power of the Holy Spirit in you to bring about full Christformation in you.
The Lord Jesus Christ said the riches of this world have made you proud and arrogant. You say, “I am rich, I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing”. Christ says to you, “you have become blind and naked but you do not know it”. Your pride has brought about your fall.
You have fallen to the deception of the devil that holds you to continue seeking riches of this world above the riches in Christ. The riches in Christ are the riches you have obtain through full Christformation in you. But, before that happens you would have to come humbly to him and buy it from him. Buy what? Yes, buy Christformation in you.
Matthew 11:29 (New International Version)
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
“Take my yoke upon you”, which means, “be my slave of righteousness instead”. ‘My yoke’ is the Holy Spirit in you. Its burden is light and Christformation in you will be easy. Before you become a slave of righteousness of Christ, you will have to learn from Him. Learn what?
“Learn from me” Christ said. ‘Learn from me’ is the same as “come, buy from me” as in Revelation chapter 3.
“Learn and buy” what? Yes, buy that “rest for your souls”. Your soul will not come to that true rest in Christ without Christformation in you.
The more the Christformation in you, the more the true rest of God fills and transforms your soul. Your soul will not rest until there is true transformation coming from Christformation in you. We can only come to this state of true rest of God by learning from Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ says that it involves obedience to the Holy Spirit in you just like He is gentle and humble in heart to obey the Holy Spirit and His Father in heaven.
The Holy Spirit will bring into us that nature of Christ. Humility, gentleness are sown into us by the Holy Spirit when we continue obeying Him, no matter how difficult it is. These riches of Christ fill our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit only when we are willing to pay the price for Christformation in us. This is ‘’gold refined in fire’. The fruit of the Holy Spirit will fill us through Christformation in us because the fruit is the divine nature of Christ sown in us through Christformation.
The Holy Spirit is the fire that burns up and removes the chaff and fills us with full Christformation in us when we yield fully to Him.
The divine nature of Christ formed in us with the absence of the sinful nature of the devil is ‘gold refined in fire’. This will be a trying process within us. The battle will be there continuously between the two. Either you will obey the Holy Spirit or the sinful nature that is not put to death in you yet. Full Christformation happens only when the sinful nature is fully put to death in us. This is what it means to be an “overcomer in Christ”. We are more than overcomers in Christ if we willingly obey the Holy Spirit in us. This is what it means to “sow into the Spirit of God in you”.
As long as Christformation is not happening in you, you are poor and wretched in the eyes of God. You may be rich and have enough of everything in this world but you will be pitiful, blind, poor and naked in the eyes of Christ. You will be in want of the things of God.
You cannot have both, just as you cannot have both the divine nature of Christ and the sinful nature of the devil in you living happily together. There is war daily. One of the two has to die in that battle. You must put to death the sinful nature in you if you want full Christformation in you. It must be the love of Christ that makes us want to obey the Holy Spirit. True obedience is out of the love of Christ sown in us. This is the eternal love of God the Father in us. Christ rebukes and disciplines those whom He loves.
With full Christformation in you, you can become rich with the things of God and His Christ. You will have ‘white clothes to wear’. White clothes are full Christformation in you. You will appear “shameful and naked” without full Christformation in you. Full Christformation in you will also put the “salve into your eyes” so that you can face Christ on that Day. You will truly be able to see God as He is.
“If you will open the door of your heart for me to come in then I will come in and eat with you and you with me”. Only if you allow Christformation in you, it will happen. If not, you will stand shameful and naked before Him. Obedience is important when you hear Him “knock on the door of your heart”. If you want to allow Him into you for full Christformation, you must first of all be able to hear His voice. To hear His voice you must listen to the Holy Spirit in you. All the things of Christ we obtain by the Holy Spirit in us through our love, communion and obedience to Him.
That “eating with him and him with you” is the communion we will have through the Holy Spirit in our born again spirit. There is active communion with Christ during Christformation in us through the Holy Spirit. That’s when we realize that we are “seated with him in the heavenlies” though we are on earth.
Christformation must take place in you without any hindrance if you do not want to look “pitiful” like a beggar in God’s eyes. This will be your clothing that you ‘worked out’ diligently with fear and trembling in Christ, while on earth.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (New International Version)
For, our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For, what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Stand the test for full Christformation in you
The Holy Spirit will shield you faithfully when you go through strict disciplining from God to burn away the sinful nature of the devil in you. The Holy Spirit will assist you with full Christformation in you.
The refining process might be ‘painful’, for every form of disciplining will be painful. But, the Holy Spirit will protect and guide you gently. Christ our Lord rebukes and disciplines whom He loves
1 Peter 1:3-7 (New International Version)
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Full Christformation in you cannot happen without your faith put into action while on earth. Faith when put into action produces full Christformation in you that will prove the genuineness of your faith in Christ. This pure faith in Christ is ‘purer than gold’ when tested to produce Christformation in you. The end-result of Christ being fully formed in you will be ‘purer than any gold’. But, at the moment this ‘’gold’ has to be tested in you to prove if it is genuine.
Ordinary gold will perish when tested with fire but not this special ‘gold tested in fire’ which is Christformation in you. Heaven and earth will pass away but this Word that has filled this obedient born again spirit will not perish. It will stand through the final test for all mankind.
Genuine Christformation in you will become your inheritance in Christ that will not perish, spoil or fade. It will be kept at God’s throne that will come and clothe us on that day of Christ.
Let’s keep our eyes and hearts fixed on these things of Christ our Lord that do not perish. Let us not set our hearts and minds away to anything temporary but let us seek the eternal things of Christ that remains forever and ever. We will find the true rest of God for our souls if we do this or else we will be going in circles like a restless wanderer in this world. We rightfully belong to Christ and Christ must be formed in us fully.
Gold refined in fire is full Christformation in you.
Full Christformation in You will be revealed with fire
1 Corinthians 3:10-15 (New International Version)
By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.
If you want to escape the fire, Christ must be formed in you fully. You will have something ‘purer than gold’ that will escape being burnt up.
Christformation in you is purer than gold but if full Christformation is not formed in you than certain parts of you that yielded to the sinful nature will be burnt up. You will be saved but only as one having a narrow escape from a raging fire.
The foundation is Christ our Lord and what you allow to be built on that foundation by the power of the Holy Spirit is Christformation in you.
Full Christformation would mean you have obeyed the Holy Spirit fully even if it meant giving up the pleasures of this world, while everyone is still indulging in it. You might have felt or still feel lonely in your walk with the Lord because not many would want to pay the price for full Christformation, but you persisted on and were found faithful to the Lord. This is what it means to be called, chosen and found faithful by the Lord, in spite of the consequences you have to patiently endure for choosing that narrow path.
The very fact that the apostle Paul mentions that other materials could have been laid on the foundation to build that house like silver, wood and hay means that the choice is still yours. As we know, these materials are inferior in quality than gold and will not stand the heat of that fire. It will be burnt up. If you have chosen to build on that foundation of Christ with hay, that would mean you have wasted all your sowing and your building will be in vain.
Anything short of Christformation in you will be burnt up. Only when Christ is formed in us we will be able to stand that test. What more if. Christ is fully formed in us. We will be fully Christ’s and nothing will be burnt up.
Christ’s counsel for us is to buy gold tried in fire is for full Christformation in us with the prize of giving up our lives fully for Him and the kingdom of God in you. For only that will remain for eternity in us.
We must actively sow into our born again spirit with the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Our faith in Christ will be tested with fire and what remains will be proven genuine. We must act out our faith with obedience to the Holy Spirit who guides us to full Christformation in us. We should remain obedient to Him in all of our circumstances of walk in Christ and stand through the test of fire.
No matter what happens we must remain and go through the many tests of our faith in Christ our Lord. Our goal must be full Christformation in us fully assisted by the indispensible help of the Holy Spirit in us. We will be a pleasing sight to our Heavenly Father with Christ fully formed in us. We will become their eternal dwelling!
If we try to save the sinful nature that pleases self above God, then we will lose full Christformation in us.
Written by Ronald K.Pillai