Romans 8:13 (New International Version)
For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live,
You and I are in a war. A spiritual war daily.You will have to fight till the end.It is either you who will die or the Enemy. The Enemy uses it's sinful nature that it sowed with the consent of Adam and Eve to attack you. What are you going to do with it's continual assault? Give in and give up to its assaults or fight till the end and win.We are made to be more than conquerors through Christ who nailed the sinful nature of the Devil on the cross.We can put it to death too through the power of Holy Spirit in us , today.Lets fight the Enemy daily and not give up at all.Lets depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to do that. We must obey God's voice through the Holy Spirit in us.When we obey Him, Christ will be formed in us. We have to be actively fighting and not become complacent or non-engaging in the fight.
Just imagine if Leonard Lewis or Evander Holyfield were non-engaging in their fights with Mike Tyson? What would have happened? We can predict the results right? More to come in this fight....