Matthew 24:8 (New International Version)
All these are the beginning of birth pains.
Still pondering on who is having the birth pains? She is none other than the Heavenly Jerusalem.Who will be the child she will be delivering? Those in whom Christ is being formed.
Revelation 12:2 (New International Version)
She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
All these things happen for God's chosen nation to be born through Christformation in them.All these things will happen when she will be about to deliver the Heavenly Jerusalem with full Christformation in them.What are these things? In short, at the final stages of the existence of the devil( Satan) before it is anihilated from this earth forever with the fallen angels, False-prophet and the Anti-Christ. It will struggle and will try to cause a big stir all over the world.It will try to claim that it has a lot of followers too.There will be war, sometimes just rumours of it will send shivers down our spines because we will be afraid of prices of things soaring high. It is now.People will become greedier and start hoarding wealth for
themselves and their own families. They will be afraid to face any form of suffering because they have always lived in comfort and will tremble at the thought of going through suffering.
But all those with Christformation in them have come through the tested way and they have been purified more than gold and are still being purified and they will be ready.There will be a choice for them, to follow through with their Savior who never fails them or fall away.More to come.