2 Timothy 3:16-17
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
God the Holy Spirit was sent to this earth after the Lord Jesus Christ had ascended to the right hand-side of the heavenly Father. He is there making intercession for us so that we too like Him will obey God's Spirit in us.In this way, Christformation will occur in us.He brings God's fresh word to us. We do not have to receive a letter from Him everyday telling us what to do.That's a foolish and stubborn way of looking at the ways of God. God the Holy Spirit takes the words of Christ who represented the heavenly Father perfectly to us and reminds us of what He had said. We only need to obey Him. If you are truly a man of God. as it says in the verses above, you would want to be thoroughly equipped through the power of God's word in Christ. How do we get equipped? Obedience to God's word is training in righteousness.
The Old and the New Testament both have messages of this training. Do not be tricked into believing that this training will come in one soft gentle way. Sometimes, it may come as a rebuke and other times words that seek to correct your ways and thinking. Sometimes, in the form of teachings. You must accept them as they come from God. They might convict you of your sins. God will require obedience from you from that rebuke, correction, teaching or training in righteousness. How you accept and respond to them will produce fruit that meets your repentance which will be Christformation in you. You will start putting to death the misdeeds of the sinful nature of the Devil in you, one by one.As you empty yourself, you need to fill that empty house with Christformation. You will not be able do this on your own. God the Holy Spirit will demonstrate God's power in you. The many types of fruit of the divine nature of Christ will be formed in you through your obedience to all that Christ had commanded.